“Inhabitant of the Earth, I am committed to contributing to the construction of Humanity, capable of safeguarding the life of the Earth for all of its inhabitants, at the service of future generations”.
The âWorld ID Card”: A symbolic recognition of the fundamental principles of living together.
Over the past forty years, human beings have been doubly stripped of their humanity:
- Above all as citizens, by the fact that human beings have become subjects of exclusive âpatrimonialâ property of ânationalâ States. These have crumbled citizenship – and humanity – by restricting it to national identity and subjecting it to the discretion of the powers of national oligarchies. If a human being does not have an adjective “national” joined to citizen, he does not exist as such, he is stateless, he is not “one of us”.
- Second, as people, for the fact that human beings have been reduced to the rank of âhuman resourcesâ serving the interests of the owners and merchants of finance capital.
By issuing the CIM, the Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth recognizes two key fundamental principles of âliving togetherâ:
- all of us, human beings, are Inhabitants of the Earth, before being yellow, white, black or mixed race, Ethiopians, Afghans, Colombians, Chinese, Quebecers, Indians, French or Belgians …
- we all live in the same place: Earth is our âcommon homeâ from which no one can be legitimately excluded by anyone, even by the highest political, economic, social and moral authorities in the world.
Ultimately, the municipalities – the first modern basic organized forms of human communities – will be invited to issue it.
Une délivrance à la demande de citoyens conscients et engagés
Aujourdâhui, plus de 60 millions dâĂȘtres humains errent de par le monde Ă la recherche dâun lieu oĂč habiter, et des milliards de personnes sont relĂ©guĂ©es dans des lieux dâexclusion et dâappauvrissement.Â
Plus que jamais, le parcours Ă construire est de « passer du âjeâ rĂ©duit au ânousâ Ă©largi » (*) dans la direction dâune HumanitĂ© consciente de devoir agir en tant que communautĂ© et dâassumer la responsabilitĂ© de lâintĂ©gritĂ© et de la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration permanente de la vie de la Terre. (*) Alessandro Andreatta, Maire de Trente (I)
En dĂ©livrant la Carte âHabitant de la Terreâ aux personnes qui rĂ©sident sur leur territoire et qui la leur demandent, les communes expriment une vision qui va au – delĂ de la conscience individualiste de la vie, des droits, du futur et, en mĂȘme temps, renforcent lâimportance de la prise de responsabilitĂ© collective par rapport Ă la sauvegarde et au soin de la vie globale de la Terre et de tous les habitants, y compris les autres espĂšces vivantes.
Le fait de demander sa Carte âHabitant de la Terreâ est un acte de conscience, dâespĂ©rance, dâengagement personnel : par principe, la Carte sera dĂ©livrĂ©e uniquement sur demande expresse.